304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Category Meetings

ACM GreekCHI Symposium 2024

ACM GreekCHI Symposium 2024December 7, 2024Athens, Greece Call for Participation We are excited to invite you to the ACM GreekCHI Symposium 2024, held on December 7, 2024, at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Communication &…

CHIGreece 2023

CHIGreece 2023September 27-28, 2023Athens, Greece The CHIGreece 2023 proceedings are loaded into the ACM Digital Library: CHIGreece 2023, the 2nd International Conference of the ACM Greek SIGCHI Chapter, took place on September 27-28, 2023. The theme of CHIGreece…

The Art and Design XR Symposium

The Art and Design of XR SymposiumSeptember 23-24, 2022National Gallery, Athens University History Museum The Art and Design of XR symposium proceedings: Symposium “The art and design of XR”ERASMUS XR Multiplier Event Members of the Greek SIGCHI Chapter…

CHIGreece 2021

CHIGreece 2021November 25-27, 2021Athens, Greece (online) The CHIGreece 2021 proceedings are loaded into the ACM Digital Library: The theme of CHIGreece 2021 is “Connecting the Community”, and the main goal is to invite the Greek research community and…

World Usability Day 2020

World Usability Day 2020November 14, 2020Athens, Greece (online) H ετήσια συνάντηση για την Ευχρηστία και Προσβασιμότητα 2020 θα πραγματοποιηθεί διαδικτυακά στις 14 Η ετήσια συνάντηση της ACM GreekCHI () συμπίπτει με την παγκόσμια ημέρα Ευχρηστίας () και τον εορτασμό της…