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CHIGreece 2023

CHIGreece 2023
September 27-28, 2023
Athens, Greece

The CHIGreece 2023 proceedings are loaded into the ACM Digital Library:

CHIGreece 2023, the 2nd International Conference of the ACM Greek SIGCHI Chapter, took place on September 27-28, 2023. The theme of CHIGreece 2023 was “Connect. Engage. Inspire,” and its main goal was to bring together the Greek research community along with researchers from institutions in Greece, Cyprus, and abroad to present and disseminate their research and innovations.

The two-day event featured plenary sessions with keynote speakers, paper presentations, exhibitions, interactive experiences, and a dedicated track for young researchers. Additionally, the conference hosted a panel of experts who exchanged insights on the theme of this year’s World Usability Day.

Notably, CHIGreece 2023 was co-located with MobileHCI 2023, both events happening during the same week and at the same venue, providing an extended and enriching experience for attendees.