Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction
Greece chapter
Welcome to Greek SIGCHI!
The goal of the Greek SIGCHI chapter is to provide the forum for all Greek HCI researchers and practitioners in order to for discuss, meet, collaborate and promote HCI related issues both in academia and industry. Established in 2008 has been growing ever since and now involves more than 120 members and has organized and supported meetings, events and activities inline with its goals.Feel free to join, share, participate!
ACM SIGCHI Conferences diagram: ACM, Special Interest Groups (SIGs), and SIGs on Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI), culminating in the organization of specialized conferences.
World Usability Day 2019
HCI@PCI 2018
The Chapter is organized and will be operated exclusively for educational and scientific purposes. Specific objectives are:
To promote an increased knowledge of and greater interest in the science, technology, design, development, and applications of modern methods/techniques/tools for Human-Computer Interaction.
To provide a means of communication between persons having an interest in Human-Computer Interaction.
The activities of this Chapter
Collecting and disseminating information through a Web magazine or other publications approved by the Publications Board of the ACM.
Organizing and sponsoring meetings, conferences, symposia, discussion groups and workshops.
Serving as a source of technical information for the Council, subunits of the ACM, the Greek government and the computing industry of Greece.
Serving as an external technical representative of the ACM when authorized by the Council or Executive Committee of the ACM.
Working with other ACM units on activities such as lectures, professional development seminars and technical briefings.