304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Association of Computing Machinery

Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction

Greece chapter


SIGCHI Chapters are collections of people that are associated with SIGCHI who share a common location. Chapters are mainly geographical, but may have a specific topic of emphasis.

Similar to SIGCHI communities, chapters are groups of people, who, by banding together, can speak with a common voice within SIGCHI; can more effectively organize the activities that are of interest to them; and can obtain services that support their activities.

There are 77 SIGCHI chapters on 6 continents in 36 different countries, nurturing new connections among chapter members and across chapters.


The ACM Greek Working Group on Human Computer Interaction (GrCHI) was established in 2008 and aims to promote collaboration between Greek researchers and professionals (private and public) that share common interests in human-computer interaction.

Its primary goal is to facilitate communication, coordinate and support related initiatives and overall become a reference organization for HCI related activity in Greece and beyond.

Its structure relies heavily on participatory approach by its members, so please join, share, participate!

Officers of Greek SIGCHI Chapter

The GreekCHI officers, as elected on late 2019.

ACM GreekCHI labs and entities

AUEB Computer Graphics Group
Ergonomics Laboratory (ERGOU)
Human Computer Interaction and Virtual Reality Laboratory
Information Management Research Lab
Intelligent Interaction Research Group
Interactive Systems Design Laboratory
Software Quality and Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory
Speech and Accessibility Laboratory
Interactive Software Technologies & System Engineering Laboratory
Management of Data, Information, and Knowledge Group (MaDgIK)
Multimedia-Hypermedia Laboratory
New Media Communication and Usability Lab
Software and Interactive Technologies Lab
Open Lab Athens


The ACM Special Interest Group in Human Computer Interaction, Greece chapter.